Sunday, May 16, 2010


We go back and forth on chores and allowance. For quite some time, we give out allowance (or mostly forget to give out allowance until the kids find something they really want and then want to know why they haven't gotten it - it's really just forgetfulness on our part. And then there are chores you do because you are part of the family but not necessarily related to allowance. Due to my inability to remember allowance, I made a chore chart for each of the older boys last week. It's their job to remember allowance and if they get a certain number of checkboxes then they get a little extra. It may not work at all for us but it's worth a try. Thank you to Grandma for the laminator!

One of the things on Mr. 7's chart is his homework. Mr. 5 thought he needed homework as well and Mr. 7 offered to make it. So Mr. 5 now has math homework from his brother. Sometimes Mr. 7 overestimates Mr. 5's math abilities - he's learning to add and subtract but still has some trouble with multiplying and dividing anything but the smallest numbers. He gets the concept of squaring a number but isn't ready for logs quite yet. For now they're both having fun!

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