Thursday, January 28, 2010

Update on the varsity team

Mr. 4 and Mr. 6 turn 5 and 7 in a week - hard to believe it's come so quickly.

Mr. 4 is a rather proficient reader and loves to learn about immunology and the human body. His favorite books are Mo Willems Elephant and Piggy books, Norby, Enjoy Your Cells, and any books on robots, space, or airplanes. He can tell you all about macrophages and how they eat bacteria, B cells and antibodies, and T cells. He treasures his bag of cells I made for him and loves to build with legos with Mr. 6. He's our gymnastics star and actually does listen to his coach (Mr. 6) and loves to try new tricks. He loves to help - he'll run to get his toolbox at the first mention of fixing something and pull his stool over if any cooking needs to be done. He has a great grin and an impressive stubborn streak.

Mr. 6 has taken programming by storm. His copy of "Hello World" (the best programming book for kids EVER) is dog-eared and travels everywhere with him. He's very proud of his programs and loves to work on them. His goal is to be second in command in his class and he prays every night that he'll achieve his goal. He gets the jokes in "The Phantom Tollbooth" and is chapters ahead of us. His fingers are always covered in marker as he works on whatever project he has in mind - especially math problems, charts, graphs. He likes to work out long equations - I am often asked algebra questions on the way to school - "x+y=z, x-y=2, x=5, what's z?" He has a best friend at school and loves the piano. He is a great big brother and takes good care of Master 0.

They're amazing brothers and so fun to watch grow up. I try to remember how happy I am that my boys are inquisitive and determined but sometimes I do wish that not everything led to an extensive discussion on the whys and hows. There's no easy questions around the dinner table but we wouldn't have it any other way for our bibliophibians!

1 comment:

  1. I found a website with projects kids can build. I thought Isaac and perhaps Ethan would find these enjoyable. They also have one on building a boomerang!! That's got to be awesome.
