Sunday, January 31, 2010

Helping with Master 0

Both the big brothers love to help Master 0. Yesterday Mr. 6 fed him his bottle while we finished up a salad fo dinner with friends. Today Mr. 4 fed him applesauce - together they ate most of a jar - and enjoyed every minute.


Mr. 6 has recently developed a rather impressive appetite. He has always been a bit of a wild card - some days will consume a huge dinner and some days nearly nothing. We spent the entire kindergarten year trying every trick in the book to get him to eat lunch but he was always too busy with his friends to eat. These days he eats all of his lunch as well as many servings of dinner. Friday night that meant almost one and a half pizzas. They were small pizzas (maybe 10 inch) but that's certainly more than I could eat. What are these boys going to be like as teenagers?
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1 comment:

  1. First Son regularly eats more than I do at meals, and then will sit and ask "What else can I have?" Eventually, he just gets carrots until he's full.

    We're hoping when he's a teenager, he'll raise his own pork and beef which will hopefully help the food bill a bit.
