Monday, January 18, 2010

First piano recital

Mr. 6 started piano lessons last fall and has loved it! He practices all the time, makes up his own songs, and thinks piano lessons days are the best day of the week. Last week he had his first recital and he did a wonderful job. A special thank you to his wonderful teacher Mrs. J who keeps the enthusiasm high and the attention on the current songs (and not the songs in Mr. 6's head). Mr. 4 says he wants to start playing piano when he's 6 - sounds like we're going to have some great duets.

Ethan says: At school Miss May, my teacher asked me: " Would you like to do the chapel slides? ". I replied " Yes!!! " . Although it took some time to explain how to do it ( and with some confusion ) , it was so fun! To amplify that, I was second in command! We had review of the symbols _ , / ,^ , W.C. (word choice),\, and O. We learned u_e. It was the best day ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We thought we had been towed!

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  1. Very cool! We're hoping to start piano in the near future. I have a lead on a free piano...just have to wait patiently for it to arrive.

  2. He looks so proud. I wonder if he was nervous.
