So Mr. 4's favorite things for the moment are Shamu, Arkansas, and his book about sea creatures. He even asked for books on sea creatures to read and so our weekly library run included half a shelf of books on sea life. Mr. 6 only got one book - Java Gently. He's writing his own computer language called G minus and he needed some inspiration. The book on G minus is 28 chapters although luckily the chapters are short. It even contains a chapter called "Why G minus"!
If you happen to be looking for a fantastic programming book for kids, we would strongly recommend "Hello World". Mr. 6 has read it cover to cover and says it was his favorite Christmas present. It's looking a bit dog-eared already and Mr. 6 has been hard at work writing programs!
Just out of curiosity...what does Mr. 6 do at school? Is he doing math with his class? Reading? How are they challenging him?