Thursday, May 23, 2013

Day 2: Resting up

We took advantage of cheap airlines tickets and the flexibility of homeschooling to spend two weeks visiting grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.  We headed out Friday morning by train to the airport.  Since our flight wasn't until 10:30am, we felt we had plenty of time to take the T to the airport and save the cab fare (not to mention that we weren't taking any carseats and it was rush hour on the highway so the train was likely the quickest route).  It took us a little longer than we thought but we made it with minutes to spare.  We actually had to send half the crew ahead to get seats while Mr. 8 and I ran to the bathroom and Mr. 10 was really worried we weren't going to make it.  Reunited on the plane, we settled in for the 2 hour flight.  Mr. 1 is not at the best age for traveling (okay, he's really at the worst age - all he wants to do is move which is not easy on a crowded plane) but even he did okay with a constant supply of books, snacks, and toys.  It's not like I had to lock myself in the bathroom while he screamed (not that I've ever had to do that).

But we made it and Nana was there to pick us up and treat us to lunch.  We then headed down to Navy Pier to stretch our legs.  Mr. 10 wanted to play mini golf but the mini golf course was closed... and covered with odd leaves and tarps.  Asking around we found out that they're filming the movie Divergent in Chicago and there is a scene where someone climbs the outside of the ferris wheel.  The movie takes place in a dystopian society some time in the future so it's all meant to look old and abandoned.  We were disappointed but had fun reading about the film and riding the ferris wheel.  We met up with Papa and had ice cream in the garden before heading to the train station for our train to St. Louis.  We met up with Uncle Kevin who was on his way from Minneapolis and he and Mr. 10 shared a seat and discussed math for the first part of the trip.  We were hoping everyone would eat some dinner, relax, and fall asleep but it took a very long time for the sleeping to happen meaning everyone fell asleep very late and then woke up at midnight when we arrived in St. Louis.  Grandpa and Grandma met us at the station and drove very sleepy parents and very excited kids home to bed.

We woke up earlier than we should have and were excited to get to spend time with cousin K.  We had only met her once before at Thanksgiving when at least two of the boys were sick (and we managed to share our germs with lovely little K) so this was really our first chance to get to know her.  She's cute as a button and knows her mind.  I think she and Mr. 1 will get along famously.  And get into oodles of mischief when they're a bit older.

Since we were all rather tired, we took it easy.  Time playing Minecraft on tablets, a walk to the park, naps, and a movie night (The Wizard of Oz which David has been reading to the boys - Mr. 8 had to watch the tornado scene through the stairs but they all loved it).  A great way to rest and get reaquainted with family!

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