Saturday, February 9, 2013

Happy birthday Mr. 8!

Our Mr. 8 was up bright and early this morning to celebrate his birthday.  David had made him a treasure hunt with a code to break and he was working on it when Mr. 10 joined him.  Soon they were both working through the clues and the present was found.  He requested cinnamon rolls and scrambled eggs for breakfast before heading out into the snow.  He also managed to fit in some Super Mario Brothers and Space Rail building before lunch of avocado and cottage cheese toast (his favorite sandwich).

It was a good day of celebrating Mr. 8 (I even let him choose waffles for dinner and both finishing Swiss Family Robinson and playing Seven Wonders after dinner).  Mr. 8 is so full of energy and enthusiasm (of course that means he spends most of our movie nights jumping up and down) and brings so much laughter to our house.  He loves airplanes and is currently designing his own plane, the Avalanche, with Grandpa (most of its weight is due to its impressive artillery load).  He starts his day with so much energy but often runs out of steam before he's finished all his work.  He loves his brothers and is especially good at taking care of Mr. 1.  He and Mr. 3 have recently had so much fun pretending together.  And today he chose to spend his birthday night playing Mr. 10's favorite game.  We love our Mr. 8 and I can't wait to see what he accomplishes this year.

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