Monday, February 18, 2013


Mr. 1's favorite word is "goon-da".  He says lots of things - Mama, Dada, good night,  more oatmeal (he eats 2-3 bowls every morning) - but "goon-da" is his favorite.  It began with Goodnight Moon which we read him each night before he goes to bed.  He says good night to each thing and good night sounded like "goon-da".  Somehow over time good night became clear but goon-da stayed as a separate word.  Now goon-da clearly refers to a picture of someone he loves.  Especially of Mr. 3.  He wants you to pick him up so he can point at a picture.  If he knows the people he loudly proclaims goon-da.  Maybe it actually means "tell me about the people in this picture - I know them".  We're not sure but we do know we love our goon-da guy.

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