Sunday, April 22, 2012

Dinosaur vs. Birthday...

Birthday wins!

Mr. 2 became Mr. 3 today.  He crept out at 6:15am and I noticed him snuggled on the couch with his blanks while I was frosting his cake.  He was just too excited to sleep.  We started the day with peanut butter and chocolate chip baked oatmeal (his choice) and he got to give Children's Church a try for the first time.

We celebrated this afternoon with a party with his friends J, R, and G who brought along their familes (making 9 kids altogether).  The kids had a great time playing games, running around, eating cake, and generally just enjoying being together.

Mr. 3 had requested a dinosaur cake and I'm rather proud of the results.


We are so very thankful for our 3 year old who is such an important part of our family.  He loves doing everything the big brothers do and taking care of his little brother.  He likes robots and dinosaurs.  He uses big words and always wants to know the choices.  "Let me think..." is a common phrase while he decides what his choice will be.  He loves to snuggle with the blanks (Car Blank and Stripey Blank) and read all his books.  He loves letters and now knows what sound many of them make.  This kid is going to be a great reader before too long.  He is completely left-handed which makes is difficult for me to help me write his name which he wants to do.  He loves pizza and berries and yogurt and tofu and hummus (and spinach he told me when I asked what he wanted to eat on his birthday).  Most of all he loves his family and we love our Mr. 3!
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