Sunday, October 30, 2011


Mr. 2 told Nana that he wanted to be Pooh for Halloween and that Mr. 0 had to be Tigger. So being the wonderful Nana that she is, we received a box in the mail with costumes for both. Mr. 2 loves his and happily wore it all night Friday (including the hat which I had thought wouldn't last long). He's a bit of a toddler sumo wrestler which his plush middle. He loves to run and jump into your arms and roll along the floor. For the next few weeks I think this might become daily attire. I suppose we'll have to invest in some honey.
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  1. That's so cute! Second Daughter mentioned she wanted to be Pooh this year, too, but we convinced her to go with Elmo since we already had that costume. She's already said she wants a Pooh party for her next birthday, though. I love the Tigger costume, too!

  2. Tigger & Pooh are so cute in their costumes!
