Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Under the weather

Mr. 2 woke up this morning feeling a bit warm and saying his body hurt. He was happy to snuggle on the couch with Andy, Pooh, and the "Blanks". Mr. 2 has two blankets that are special to him - Stripy Blank and Car Blank - and are needed at extra comfort times. Both are needed and are typically joined by at least 2 other friends. Not necessarily low maintenance but all together likely smaller than AAA or Shamu which were Mr. 6's special items.

He chose Get to Work Trucks and Car and Trucks and Things That Go, classics in our house, and read quietly for quite a while - too quiet for any normal 2 year old. When not on the couch, he's been snuggled on my lap. Not always enough space for both Mr. 2 and Mr. 0 but we're making do. School was a bit more challenging with the small ones feeling cranky and we ended the morning with the kids playing a viking game on the BBC History website and Mr. 0 in the carrier so I could make lunch.

Playing with toys is hard work.

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