Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Today was one of those days. By about 9:15 I wanted to lock everyone in their rooms (including me) for the rest of the day but as the grown-up (and teacher) thought I should probably stick it out. Mr. 6 whined his way through the morning, telling me every step of the way that he didn't want to do it. Mr. 8 was distracted. And Mr. 0 spent the morning crying, eating, or insisting on being carried upright around the house (preferably while I sang to him). Only Mr. 2 seemed self-sufficient although it did involve getting out a huge number of toys. My own patience, worn thin by sleep-deprivation and a headache from crying and whining, was dwindling and I'll admit to quite a bit of my own complaining (under the guise of correction). I finally decided we would just take and a break and I would read aloud to them while they played legos. This and a snack did help and we made it to lunch without too much yelling - although Mr. 0 did cry when I had put him down long enough to make lunch.

The most ironic part is that I had read this morning about grace, particularly showing grace to your children as a reflection of God's grace but within minutes it was gone and I couldn't make it through the morning. And of course the verse we're currently memorizing is James 1:22-25. I managed to forget what I looked like as soon as I walked away.
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  1. We all have days like that. Snuggle your baby and sleep as much as you can. Tomorrow is a new day.

  2. Love the pic of Asher & Micah!
