Friday, December 17, 2010


Last night Mr. 7 and I were not feeling so well. We snuggled downstairs with some movies hoping that our stomachs would feel better. Instead it just got worse from there and Mr. 5 joined us a few hours later. The sickness continued throughout the night and this morning we decided it necessary to quarantine the house even though Mr. 1 was feeling well. The award goes to the Dad who cleaned up countless times, changed sheets, bought gingerale, and generally helped us survive the worst of it. We're all feeling better the last few hours (Mr. 5 wants to have a pajama Christmas party since he missed his party at school but I can't say I'm feeling up to a party) but I think it's going to be an early bedtime tonight. And tomorrow we need to figure out where to rent a carpet cleaner.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear you were all unwell! Kansas Dad especially feels for Dad. He's had to take care of all of us himself, too.
