Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas surprise

This Christmas I came up with the insane idea to surprise the kids by replacing their old bunk beds and crib with 2 new sets of bunk beds complete with tents, new reading lights, and new covers. Of course, the kids sleep in these beds so the only way to pull it off was to wait until the kids were asleep on Christmas Eve, move them downstairs, take apart the old furniture, assemble the new, and then move the kids back up. So simple right?

Not so simple but a great surprise. Luckily Nana and Papa arrived Christmas Eve after church and were willing to humor us in our insanity. Thanks to them we were able to move the kids back up at a reasonable 3am rather than just pulling an all-nighter which is what would of happened if we had been on our own.

When we carried Mr. 5 upstairs he woke up enough to look around as he was put in his new top bunk - "I think I know what the surprise is," he told us. The other 2 slept through the transfer.

Mr. 7 was up at 6:04am (we had specified the night before that no one was to be awake before 6am) and thought it was a pretty good surprise and Mr. 5 was super excited but the best reaction was Mr. 1. Up until that night he had been in a crib and had never really had any space to call his own. He spent the morning opening a present and then carrying it to his bed to look at, read, or play with. He LOVES his bed. And other than one rough night where we had to put Mr. 1 back to bed many many times including fetching him down from the top bunk, he's gone to bed happily and stayed there.


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