Sunday, March 28, 2010

Movie time

Family movie time is harder without a TV but still possible with a laptop and folding table - not necessarily a viewing experience but it works. Recently we acquired "What's in the Bible" which is Phil Vischer's newest project. Phil Vischer is, of course, famous for Veggie Tales, which we haven't been able to watch since Mr. 7 was 3 and decided it was too scary when the big squash sat on Larry the Cucumber's hat. That was enough for him to decide he could never watch it again. Even now, though we listened to A Very Veggie Christmas hundreds of times, he is not interested in watching any of the movies. These are the kind of things that you can never predict.

"What's in the Bible" is fantastic - smart, funny, and theologically sound. How could you not love a show where a Sunday School Lady is teaching about what canon is, when a pirate interrupts to sing:
"I've got a cannon and I like to shoot - it's big and it's black and I think it's rather cute. It makes a big noise in the middle of the night and it's really very handy in a pirate fight."
"No Captain Pete, that's a cannon with 2 Ns - I'm talking about a canon with one N."
And the Bentley Brothers are wonderful - just search You Tube and you'll be introduced to two brothers in powder blue tuxedos and wigs singing about books from the old testament.

I think the best part is that it goes ahead and tells you how Athanasius sent out the canon for books of the Bible and that sin separates us from God, and then has one of the puppets scat about substitutiary atonement. The songs are catchy and everyone is enthralled - from Master 0 to the parents.

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1 comment:

  1. I can't believe we haven't seen this!

    We were just talking today about Athanasius.
