Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A walk

We headed out on a chilly Tuesday to get some fresh air and decided to explore the new Alewife Brook Path. It's been under construction for months and we've been monitoring the progress as the path was made and the wooden walkway grew. It is now complete and we have an alternate route to the bike path. There were puddles and mud due to the recent rain and Mr. 2 fell behind as he stomped in each one. Mr. 8, balanced on the edge of the wooden walkway, asked if he should use a summoning spell on him as I tried to encourage Mr. 2 yet again to move a bit faster. That would be great I told him. He turned on the narrow board and promptly toppled off onto the ground a few feet below. As I gave him a hand back up, he told me wryly, "Maybe I should have used a balancing spell first."

There's a map at the end where our little path joins the main bike path and Mr. 2 loved studying it and telling me where we were and where our house was. All very confidently as always. While I was looking at it, I momentarily lost track of the boys. I turned and called and discovered the older boys near the top of the embankment for Route 2 with Mr. 2 hot on their heels. "We just want to spy on the cars," I was told. Hmm... Spying on a busy highway is not the activity I had picked out for our nature walk - not to mention dangerous. I told them no and they reluctantly climbed down.

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