Monday, September 8, 2014

Mr. 5's first day!

Mr. 5 started Kindergarten today! He marched in without a second glance, after comparing backpacks with best-friend J, who also started today. End-of-the-day report said that the day rated 4.5 stars out of 5, with a great puzzle-constructing team, and an exciting tour of the library.
The only thing that kept it from being a 5 out of 5 was that he painfully collided with a bigger kid on the playground. Funny enough, Mr. 9 said that his day was a 9 out of 10, the only downside being that he had to visit the school nurse for a bloody lip earned when he... collided with Mr. 5 on the playground.
Good to know that these brothers are continuing to take care of each other at school!

After 6 days, we finally have all four in school.  Here's to the year!

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