Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The post-ER downhill

On Monday I got a call from Mr. 4's preschool that he had fallen on the playground and likely needed some stitches.  A colleague at work covered for me and I ran and picked him up.  After a brief stop at our pediatrician to confirm that it wasn't fixable in the office, we picked up Dad and went to the ER for a few staples.

All went well and he was a trooper and I even made it back to work in time for my afternoon session (only a few minutes late).

If that was the end of the story, all would be well but it unfortunately seemed to kick off a new level of trouble and defiance in our youngest son.  He has gotten poop on both the couch and our bed, he has peed in his pants more times this week than in the last few months, he refuses to pick up just about anything, he emptied his entire dresser into a laundry basket, he ran out of CVS into the parking lot because I wouldn't let him have a lollipop.  Last winter we saw this whenever he would get sick and start wheezing.  When he feels miserable, he's a bit miserable to be around.  The funny thing is that he seems to feel fine other than the craziness.  He's fine at preschool, happily plays Sequence Junior with anyone who will play with him, had a grand time at our friends house last night.  We're trying to give him extra patience and attention but tonight when there was both poop and the emptying of a bookcase with a definite no to any helping I was out of extra patience.  Bedtime could not come soon enough.

Last winter we also saw that when he recovered from his illness he really seemed to jump in development so fingers crossed that we see the same here!

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