Monday, December 15, 2014


In the past week Mr. 3 has seemed to grow up more than he has in months.  On Saturday he sat through an entire Christmas concert without yelling, throwing something, or running away.  This is major progress.  He sang, he clapped, and was rather delighted to be there.

Yesterday we were headed in for the Lessons and Carols service at our church.  David and Mr. 9 were at hockey so the rest of us cleaned up dinner and set out for the train.  Mr. 3 refused to ride in the stroller but happily ran alongside Mr. 11 and Mr. 5 enjoyed the ride (he had a rough morning and was happy to take a turn in the stroller).  Suddenly he stopped and put his hands up and very seriously told us in his whisper voice  "Shhh...  Baby Jesus is sleeping."  He looked at us for a few more seconds and then took off running and laughing down the path.  We arrived at the station and found out that they were actually bussing from Alewife to Davis to Porter to Harvard.  This was going to take awhile.  We ran up to catch the shuttle bus.  Mr. 3 told me at each stop "Next stop Kendall" and then laughed when I told him the right station.  Mr. 11 read him books, rapping his way through Green Eggs and Ham and singing his way through Where the Wild Things Are.  I think half the people on the train were laughing.  So although we were late, we made it in time to see our friend S talk and had a rather enjoyable trip.

When we got home Mr. 3 was very excited to tell us all about the Christmas story.  He told us that the shepherds came and the angels were singing and that Mary was Jesus's mommy and God was Jesus's daddy.  Pretty good for someone who was only speaking in 2 word sentences in the spring.  

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