Sunday, October 20, 2013

What a night

Thursday are always a little crazy for us.  Mr. 10 has math club and everyone needs dinner before we go.  I have clinic all day and am generally running a bit late (and a bit tired after a busy day) so we're not at peak efficiency.  I met the boys and our nanny at the park minutes after Mr. 4 had taken a spill off his bike.  I helped get everyone home and was in the bathroom trying to convince him to let me wash the gravel out of his arm when Mr. 8 shouts "oh no - honey!". Now Mr. 8 generally talks in an impressive volume but honey?  I ran into the living room to find Mr. 2 gleefully squirting honey all over the couch.  I grabbed the bottle away and he ran away, covered in honey.  Before I could get to him he had grabbed a library books and covered it in honey as all and ripped out a page as I was trying to away from him.

Dinner was delayed due to honey clean-up and Mr. 10 wasn't feeling well so my usual second-in-command was off his game.  I ended up just giving the kids hot dogs which is always a popular choice.  While we're clearing the table Mr. 2 got the mustard and squirted about half the bottle on the wet couch I had just cleaned.  When I got him he was gleefully rubbing it on his belly.  Into the bath with him.  It turns out mustard is much harder to clean up than honey and while I was doing damage control a naked wet baby streaked by.  Sigh.


  1. Oh, sounds awful! But this is a story worth relating at Mr. 2's rehearsal dinner. Hopefully you're laughing by now...and he's safely in bed!
