Monday, December 19, 2011

Surviving another toddler

Mr. 6 was quite the strong-willed toddler. David and I both have memories of strapping him into the stroller or car to avoid any possible violence while he screamed because he wanted to dish the yogurt or take the lid off the water bottle. We definitely sighed with relief when we moved past that particular phase.

Until recently Mr. 2 has been a pretty easy-going guy. Sure he has his moments but overall he has been a very pleasant toddler. Last week while on vacation he had an epic meltdown involving 90 minutes of screaming no and finally a car ride to calm down. We thought it was likely just that he was tired - after all we had kept him up too late the night before. Unfortunately there have been other tantrums in the last week that have been rather unpleasant but today was really the worst of it.

It began when we sat down to do our read-aloud. Mr. 2 wanted to get down the marble race but I told him that we couldn't do that while we were reading but I would get it down when we were done. Commence screaming. As it is difficult to read over screaming, I decided to wait on the reading and we would just have an early lunch. Over lunch he decided he wanted milk after I had already poured him a glass of water. I told him that we were having water and so he poured the glass out on the table. He demanded a second yogurt and I told him he needed to eat his lunch which he refused to do. I asked him to go to his room so we could read some books and he simply screamed no over and over again so I carried him. Then began the "but I want to walk" over and over again to which I would reply. "Why didn't you get to walk?" "Bepause I screamed no... But Mommy, I want to walk." This woke up Mr. 0 so I went to get him with Mr. 2 following behind me yelling that he wanted to walk. Mind you, he is walking right behind me yelling that he wants to walk. His crying makes Mr. 0 cry and so I try to take Mr. 0 in the bathroom to calm down away from the screaming. Mr. 2 stands outside the door hitting in screaming no. At some point I get him almost calmed down but he decides he wants the lid off his water bottle - in his bed. As I refused to clean up a spilled bottle of water (and change his sheets) I told him no. I gave him the option of taking the lid off in the kitchen but that was unacceptable. Overall it was about an hour and a half with the older boys watching Mr. 0 for short periods but that typically ended with him crying because he was getting hungry, had been woken up, and there was a toddler screaming.

Of course once everything is finally calmed down, Mr. 2 instantaneously forgets the whole episode and wants me to read him books. I am not so quick to forget and grumpily read Harold and the Purple Crayon to him to prevent any relapse.

The only way we survived in the end was that he fell asleep soon after the book and woke up a much happier person. Of course he didn't want to go to bed tonight so we'll see what the new day brings. I don't know if I can survive this again if Mr. 0 turns out to be as stubborn as his brothers.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure I have any great advice for you, but I wanted to let you know I'm sorry you had a rough day with Mr. 2. We're going through a similar phase with our three year old. Sigh. You'll be in our prayers!
