Sunday, February 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Mr. 7

On Friday, Mr. 6 became Mr. 7. He was up at 5:30am - too excited to sleep anymore. He had been praying all week that he would get to be second-in-command on his birthday - a distinction of honor in his first grade class. What was most exciting is that he didn't just pray that he would get it - he prayed that he would be honor-worthy and that he would do the things he knows he has trouble with - raising his hand to be called on, following directions quickly the first time, not joking too much with his good friend O when he should be listening. It was wonerful to hear him really thinking about what he needed to do and praying for those things.

When I picked up Mr. 6 on Thursday, Mrs. T came to tell me what a great day he'd had. Especially noteworthy was that his friend N had tried to help him but really just came and talked to him, telling him what to do while Mr. 6 was trying to get ready. Afterwards he went to N and told him that he knew he was trying to help but it's very hard for him to concentrate when someone is just talking to him. He told N that the best way to help him was by using actions not just talking at him. Insightful and reflective from a kid who has the tendency to get impulsive and angry when he gets frustrated.

So he woke up at 5:30 to start his day as Mr. 7. And not only was he second-in-command but his class had filled their bead jar and so got to have a party. Through democratic vote they had chosen a movie (Ice Age), a snack (chips - 3 kinds), and a drink (hot chocolate). And since it was a party day they could wear their pajamas to school rather than their uniforms. And Dad was going to come with cupcakes and to read a special book (The Phantom Tollbooth - the chapter about Dr. Dischord and the awful DYNNE). A rather impressive collection of fun things to help him celebrate. And we're told that even with all this specialness he had a great listening day. He really has grown up so much!

It's hard to believe we have a 7 year old - Happy Birthday Mr. 7!
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